How to cook Ofada Rice!

Ofada rice, also known as unpolished rice or brown rice, is a variety of rice native to Nigeria. It has a unique aroma and is often served with a special type of stew known as Ayamase or Designer Stew. Here’s a simple recipe for cooking Ofada rice:



  1. Rinse the Rice:
  1. Soak the Rice (Optional):
  1. Boil Water:
  1. Add Salt (Optional):
  1. Add the Rice:
  1. Cook the Rice:
  1. Check for Doneness:
  1. Drain Excess Water (Optional):
  1. Serve:

Remember that the cooking time may vary depending on the specific type of Ofada rice you have, so it’s a good idea to check the package instructions or adjust the cooking time as needed. Enjoy your Ofada rice meal!

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